Words are our best friends, and for many of us, writing is the purest and truest way of expression. However, when it comes to writing content for social media, many of us fear that using artificial intelligence tools may take away our authenticity and, consequently, our identity. But what if I told you that it’s…
Trying to find the right way to speak, I fall silent. Trying only to create something good, I put down my pen. One day I was told I wasn’t old enough to speak. And I believed it. I also believed when they said I needed to study more to have the right to an opinion.…
Clay-colored buildings, long days, always cold feet. Sometimes I stop and think: how did I end up here? I feel the ice on the tips of my fingers, but I can’t stop typing; I must be crazy. Tea with milk, breakfast that looks like lunch, and cars are backwards. I must be lost, am I…